A Good Day’s Fishing
Simon & Schuster (2004)
What’s the secret to a good day’s fishing? James Prosek illustrates the essentials, in his first children’s picture book. The flies, lures, spinners and bobbers in his tackle box are depicted in colorful watercolors and defined in the helpful “Lure and Fly Glossary” located in the final five pages of the book.
“And this is a phoebe spoon. It flashes in the water. I caught a pumpkinseed sunfish on it in old Farmer Kachele’s pond.”
“The author of the decidedly handsome adult book Trout (Knopf, 1996) turns his careful pen and deft paintbrush to an equally handsome work for children. Here, a young narrator conveys his love of fishing by describing the contents of his tackle box and identifying the species that each lure is designed to catch. Prosek’s book is a special treat that may lure to the surface the ever-hopeful fisherperson lurking in youngsters’ inner depths.”
“Prosek is an expert on fly-fishing and the author of several popular adult books, including Trout: An Illustrated History (1996). Here, Prosek offers young readers a beautifully illustrated, simple story about a good day’s fishing. In a simple, descriptive text that contains a few humorous surprises, a child describes the many bobbers, hooks, lures, and other paraphernalia he finds as he searches through his tackle box for the one thing he needs to guarantee a successful catch. In the end, though, the boy’s lucky item isn’t the hooks in his box—it’s the hat on his head.”
“An illustrated tour through [Prosek’s] tackle box filled with hooks, lures and flies.”